
Hello All!

Something I've been working on for the past six months or so has finally come to life. Today, www.sproutbaby.com is live. It's a site for parents looking for healthy alternatives and thoughtful options for their families. We are building our site in the coming weeks to offer more products (a richer product mix) and eventually a blog, a social network and a registry. Right now, it's there for you to peruse. The concept started with Sprout Foods, organic and delicious baby food created by Tyler Florence. I've tasted the food and it really is incredible. From there we thought that the natural progression would be to offer other "feeding" options. If you check back regularly, you'll see our inventory grow.

As for today and the live site, the food won't be available for shipment for another five days, but if you know any one who has a baby young enough for bottles, please, order one or two! $5 off orders of $30 and free shipping over $50!!!!!

Thanks for the support!!!!!!!!

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